Amanda Turner #65613
55th President
Ohio JCI Senate
Hello Ohio Senators!
My name is Amanda Turner #65613 and I am excited to be the 55th President of the Ohio JCI Senate with a theme of “Step Up to The Plate”.
For the benefit of the few of you who do not know me, I live in Beavercreek, a small-town east of Dayton. I am an Intervention Specialist for Dayton Public Schools and am currently teaching at Stivers School for the Arts. I have a 25-year-old daughter who is starting her doctorate program in Clinical Psychology at Wayne State in Detroit, MI. I grew up in the Jaycees and was the 75th President of the Ohio Jaycees in 2004. My activities will begin with Ohio hosting the 42nd Annual Pig Roast and the 22nd annual Ron Robinson Memorial golf tournament; then traveling to the Illinois Senate picnic; the Kentucky Bourbon Bash; the Indiana State Picnic; Michigan’s Jeans and Jewels and finally joining the Ohio Jaycees for our meeting in November. I hope many of you will consider joining me by attending these events.
This year I have 3 main goals I’d like to accomplish as president:
- HAVE FUN! We all work hard at our jobs, in our families, with other organizations, etc. I feel it is important for everyone to also have an opportunity to have fun. This year I am going to try to bring a little fun to our meetings by adding in some activities that I hope all of you will “Step Up to The Plate” and participate in. I feel that by having fun together it will automatically contribute to my other two goals.
- BUILD RELATIONSHIPS- We get together several times during the year so we can see our friends and have a meeting, but I realized at the year-end in February that there are many Senators that I don’t know and many new senators who don’t know any of us. When we meet, we tend to sit with our current friends and rarely branch off to meet someone new. This year, I’m hoping that as we have fun together, we will have opportunities to meet the new Senators and build new relationships. I’m challenging each one of you to “Step Up to The Plate” and make at least one new friend this year that you look forward to seeing at the meetings and are willing to add to your current table of friends. I truly feel that it is these relationships that we create that keep us coming back and leads to my third and final goal.
- CREATE MEMORIES- For me, one of the best parts of being in the Senate is listening to many of you as you share your memories of all the wonderful and crazy things you have done in you times as a Jaycee/Senator and my final goal this year is to help create great memories for our new Senators and add some new memories that you can share with future generations. It is those memories of the great times we have in this organization that make us want to gather and continue to participate. It is the means by which we share this organization with those who are not yet Senators or maybe even Jaycees. So, I am hoping that each one of you will “Step Up to The Plate” have fun, meet new people, make new friends and create some wonderful and crazy memories to share.
With those 3 goals in mind, I look forward to serving you as your 55th Ohio JCI Senate President.
Ohio JCI Senate Officers for 2021-2022 are:
President: Amanda Turner #65613 1851 Stansberry Drive Beavercreek OH 45432 937-689-8069
Vice President: Janice Carino #72307 450 Walleyford Dr. Berea, OH 44017 216-213-2748
Secretary: Karen Schoonover #57305 2945 County Road D50 Edgerton OH 43517 419-345-2890
Treasurer: Tammy Snapp #79574 25363 Rider Lane Guilford, IN 47022 513-869-6203
Chairman of the Board: Ron Kimmet #43520 11982 Bockey Rd Delphos, OH 45833 419-235-4639
Ohio JCI Senate Appointed Officer for 2021-2022 are:
- Hospitality- Jenny Bruner #64688
- Jaycee Liaison/Return the Favor- Jeff Carino #79697
- Onto- John Bruner #58932
- Product Sales- Susan Greb #58234
- Legal Council- Earl Rice #47046
- Chaplain- Sara Kimmet #77909
- Website- Allison Geddes #74777
- Future Directions- Joe Callison #71418
I hope to see all of you at the Pig Roast!
Amanda Turner #65613
55th President
Ohio JCI Senate